Wednesday, 16 September 2015

Installing Openmeetings on Ubuntu 14.04

Was asked to install Openmeetings on a new Ubuntu 14.04 vm today. I found THESE instrucions which worked:

Install Openmeetings Ubuntu 14.04

Install Ubuntu server 14.04 and update
Add Oracle Java.
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-installer
Accept license for Oracle binaries
Install all dependancies available from the repository
sudo apt-get install unzip imagemagick ghostscript jodconverter libjpeg-dev libgif-dev libfreetype6-dev libfreetype6-dev libreoffice sox build-essential git-core checkinstall yasm texi2html libvorbis-dev libx11-dev libvpx-dev libxfixes-dev zlib1g-dev pkg-config netcat libmp3lame-dev libx264-dev
The swftools version for Ubuntu 14.04 doesnt include pdf2swf so has to be compiled.
cd /opt/
sudo mkdir swftools;cd swftools
sudo wget
sudo tar zvxf swftools-0.9.2.tar.gz
cd swftools-0.9.2
sudo ./configure
sudo make
swftools 0.9.2 has an error on a makefile which includes an option for rm.
edit the makefile in /opt/swftools/swftools-0.9.2/swfs
rm -f $(pkgdatadir)/swfs/default_viewer.swf -o -L $(pkgdatadir)/swfs/default_viewer.swf
rm -f $(pkgdatadir)/swfs/default_loader.swf -o -L $(pkgdatadir)/swfs/default_loader.swf
rm -f $(pkgdatadir)/swfs/default_viewer.swf
rm -f $(pkgdatadir)/swfs/default_loader.swf
Then install
sudo make install
Compile and make ffmpeg with the correct flags for mp3lame etc.
Create and add following
note the configure options should be double dash –
cd /usr/local/src
if [ ! -d /usr/local/src/ffmpeg-$FFMPEG_VERSION ]; then
sudo wget$FFMPEG_VERSION.tar.bz2
sudo tar -xjf ffmpeg-$FFMPEG_VERSION.tar.bz2
sudo ./configure –enable-gpl –enable-version3 –enable-postproc –enable-libvorbis –enable-libvpx –enable-libmp3lame –enable-libx264 –enable-nonfree
sudo make
sudo checkinstall
make the script executable and run the installer.
chmod +x
Confirm all components are working,
pdf2swf = it should output the switch options
sox = it should output the switch options
identify = (ImageMagick) it should output the switch options
ghostscript = it should drop to the GS (ghostscript) command prompt, quit to exit.
jodconverter = it should output the switch options
libreoffice –version = libreoffice version confirm
ffmpeg = will output the compiled options
Download and run the openmeetings installer
cd /opt/
sudo mkdir openmeetings; cd openmeetings
sudo wget
sudo unzip
sudo ./
Open the web installer
Set initial configuration
Username = Administrator name
Userpass = Administrator password
Email = Administrator email
User Time Zone = Time zone for OpenMeetings
Organisation(Domains) = Domain name
Allow self-registering (allow_frontend_register) = No
Send Email to new registered Users (sendEmailAtRegister) = Yes
New Users need to verify their EMail (sendEmailWithVerficationCode) = No
Default Rooms of all types will be created = Yes
Mail-Referer (system_email_addr) = Admin email or noreply
SMTP-Server (smtp_server) = SMTP server
SMTP-Server Port(default Smtp-Server Port is 25) (smtp_port) = SMTP Port
SMTP-Username (email_username) = SMTP user
SMTP-Userpass (email_userpass) = SMTP pass
Enable TLS in Mail Server Auth = Enable TLS for SMTP
Set inviter’s email address as ReplyTo in email invitations ( = Reply to inviter
Default Language = Language for Openmeetings
Default Font for Export [default_export_font] = Font used
swftools zoom 100
swftools jpeg quality 85
all other paths for componets can be left blank or /opt/jod/lib for JOD if all above worked, otherwise enter paths
SWFTools Path
ImageMagick Path
SoX Path
JOD Path /opt/jod/lib
OpenOffice/LibreOffice Path for jodconverter
Crypt Type
leave default crypt type (org.apache.openmeetings.util.crypt.MD5Implementation)
red5SIP Configuration
Enable SIP No
SIP rooms prefix 400
SIP extensions context rooms
Please click “Finish” button to start installation!
Wait for it to finish install, then click “Enter the Application”, login as Admin created.
Cancel the sesison in the console,
sudo /opt/openmeetings/
sudo /opt/openmeetings/ &
Now go back to the web interface and enjoy Openmeetings

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