Thursday, 30 April 2015

Mikrotik Dynamic DNS Update Script for dynDNS

Had to rund dyndns on our backup link Mikrotik this morning as the main link is down again.

Used THIS article to do it:

Dynamic DNS Update Script for dynDNS

in order to support dyndns i took some parts from the changeip script and made it work for.
1) add a script called dynDNS:
# Define User Variables
:global ddnsuser "DYNDNSUSER"
:global ddnspass "DYNDNSPASS"
:global ddnshost "DYNDNSHOST"

# Define Global Variables
:global ddnsip
:global ddnslastip
:if ([ :typeof $ddnslastip ] = nil ) do={ :global ddnslastip "0" }

:global ddnsinterface
:global ddnssystem ("mt-" . [/system package get system version] )

# Define Local Variables
:local int

# Loop thru interfaces and look for ones containing
# default gateways without routing-marks
:foreach int in=[/ip route find dst-address= active=yes ] do={
  :if ([:typeof [/ip route get $int routing-mark ]] != str ) do={
     :global ddnsinterface [/ip route get $int interface]

# Grab the current IP address on that interface.
:global ddnsip [ /ip address get [/ip address find interface=$ddnsinterface ] address ]

# Did we get an IP address to compare?
:if ([ :typeof $ddnsip ] = nil ) do={
   :log info ("DynDNS: No ip address present on " . $ddnsinterface . ", please check.")
} else={
  :if ($ddnsip != $ddnslastip) do={
    :log info "DynDNS: Sending UPDATE!"
    :local str "/nic/update?hostname=$ddnshost&myip=$ddnsip&wildcard=NOCHG&mx=NOCHG&backmx=NOCHG"
    /tool fetch src-path=$str mode=http user=$ddnsuser \
        password=$ddnspass dst-path=("/DynDNS.".$ddnshost)
    :delay 1
    :local str [/file find name="DynDNS.$ddnshost"];
    /file remove $str
    :global ddnslastip $ddnsip
2) Add a scheduler entry to run every minute
/system scheduler add name=dynDNS interval=00:01 on-event="/system script run dynDns\r\n"
There is a thread for further questions.

Getting it to work with 4.XX

# Set needed variables
:local username "YourUsername"
:local password "YourPassword"
:local hostname "nohostset"
:global systemname [/system identity get name]

:if ($systemname  = "Site1" ) do= {
:set hostname ""
:if ($systemname  = "Site2" ) do= {
:set hostname ""
:if ($systemname  = "Site3" ) do= {
:set hostname ""

:global dyndnsForce
:global previousIP

# print some debug info
:log info ("UpdateDynDNS: username = $username")
:log info ("UpdateDynDNS: password = $password")
:log info ("UpdateDynDNS: hostname = $hostname")
:log info ("UpdateDynDNS: previousIP = $previousIP")

# get the current IP address from the internet (in case of double-nat)
/tool fetch mode=http address="" src-path="/" dst-path="/dyndns.checkip.html"
:local result [/file get dyndns.checkip.html contents]

# parse the current IP result
:local resultLen [:len $result]
:local startLoc [:find $result ": " -1]
:set startLoc ($startLoc + 2)
:local endLoc [:find $result "</body>" -1]
:local currentIP [:pick $result $startLoc $endLoc]
:log info "UpdateDynDNS: currentIP = $currentIP"

# Remove the # on next line to force an update every single time - useful for debugging,
#  but you could end up getting blacklisted by DynDNS!

#:set dyndnsForce true

# Determine if dyndns update is needed
# more dyndns updater request details
:if (($currentIP != $previousIP) || ($dyndnsForce = true)) do={
    :set dyndnsForce false
    :set previousIP $currentIP
    /tool fetch user=$username password=$password mode=http address="" \
       src-path="/nic/update?hostname=$hostname&myip=$currentIP" dst-path="/dyndns.txt"
    :local result [/file get dyndns.txt contents]
    :log info ("UpdateDynDNS: Dyndns update needed")
    :log info ("UpdateDynDNS: Dyndns Update Result: ".$result)
    :put ("Dyndns Update Result: ".$result)
} else={
    :log info ("UpdateDynDNS: No dyndns update needed")
If have problems to run these scripts, try it:

:local ddnsuser "your user name"
:local ddnspass "your password"
:local theinterface "device to renove IP"
:local ddnshost ""
:local ipddns [:resolve $ddnshost];
:local ipfresh [ /ip address get [/ip address find interface=$theinterface ] address ]
:if ([ :typeof $ipfresh ] = nil ) do={
   :log info ("DynDNS: No ip address on $theinterface .")
} else={
   :for i from=( [:len $ipfresh] - 1) to=0 do={ 
      :if ( [:pick $ipfresh $i] = "/") do={ 
    :set ipfresh [:pick $ipfresh 0 $i];
:if ($ipddns != $ipfresh) do={
    :log info ("DynDNS: IP-DynDNS = $ipddns")
    :log info ("DynDNS: IP-Fresh = $ipfresh")
   :log info "DynDNS: Update IP needed, Sending UPDATE...!"
   :local str "/nic/update?hostname=$ddnshost&myip=$ipfresh&wildcard=NOCHG&mx=NOCHG&backmx=NOCHG"
   /tool fetch src-path=$str mode=http user=$ddnsuser \
         password=$ddnspass dst-path=("/DynDNS.".$ddnshost)
    :delay 1
    :local str [/file find name="DynDNS.$ddnshost"];
    /file remove $str
    :global ipddns $ipfresh
  :log info "DynDNS: IP updated to $ipfresh!"
    } else={
     :log info "DynDNS: dont need changes";
another version of this script working in 5.x
# Set needed variables
:local username "YOURUSER"
:local password "YOURPASWORD"
:local hostname ""

:global dyndnsForce
:global previousIP 

# print some debug info
:log info ("UpdateDynDNS: username = $username")
:log info ("UpdateDynDNS: password = $password")
:log info ("UpdateDynDNS: hostname = $hostname")
:log info ("UpdateDynDNS: previousIP = $previousIP")

# get the current IP address from the internet (in case of double-nat)
/tool fetch mode=http address="" src-path="/" dst-path="/dyndns.checkip.html"
:delay 1
:local result [/file get dyndns.checkip.html contents]

# parse the current IP result
:local resultLen [:len $result]
:local startLoc [:find $result ": " -1]
:set startLoc ($startLoc + 2)
:local endLoc [:find $result "</body>" -1]
:local currentIP [:pick $result $startLoc $endLoc]
:log info "UpdateDynDNS: currentIP = $currentIP"

# Remove the # on next line to force an update every single time - useful for debugging,
# but you could end up getting blacklisted by DynDNS!

#:set dyndnsForce true

# Determine if dyndns update is needed
# more dyndns updater request details

:if (($currentIP != $previousIP) || ($dyndnsForce = true)) do={
   :set dyndnsForce false
   :set previousIP $currentIP
   :log info "$currentIP or $previousIP"
   /tool fetch user=$username password=$password mode=http address="" \
      src-path="nic/update?system=dyndns&hostname=$hostname&myip=$currentIP&wildcard=no" \
   :delay 1
   :local result [/file get dyndns.txt contents]
   :log info ("UpdateDynDNS: Dyndns update needed")
   :log info ("UpdateDynDNS: Dyndns Update Result: ".$result)
   :put ("Dyndns Update Result: ".$result)
} else={
   :log info ("UpdateDynDNS: No dyndns update needed")
Debugged version for RoS 6.x:
:global ddnsuser "theddnsusername"
:global ddnspass "theddnspassword"
:global theinterface "interfacename"
:global ddnshost
:global ipddns [:resolve $ddnshost];
:global ipfresh [ /ip address get [/ip address find interface=$theinterface ] address ]
:if ([ :typeof $ipfresh ] = nil ) do={
   :log info ("DynDNS: No ip address on $theinterface .")
} else={
   :for i from=( [:len $ipfresh] - 1) to=0 do={ 
      :if ( [:pick $ipfresh $i] = "/") do={ 
    :set ipfresh [:pick $ipfresh 0 $i];
:if ($ipddns != $ipfresh) do={
    :log info ("DynDNS: IP-DynDNS = $ipddns")
    :log info ("DynDNS: IP-Fresh = $ipfresh")
   :log info "DynDNS: Update IP needed, Sending UPDATE...!"
   :global str "/nic/update\?hostname=$ddnshost&myip=$ipfresh&wildcard=NOCHG&mx=NOCHG&backmx=NOCHG"
   /tool fetch src-path=$str mode=http user=$ddnsuser \
         password=$ddnspass dst-path=("/DynDNS.".$ddnshost)
    :delay 1
    :global str [/file find name="DynDNS.$ddnshost"];
    /file remove $str
    :global ipddns $ipfresh
  :log info "DynDNS: IP updated to $ipfresh!"
    } else={
     :log info "DynDNS: dont need changes";

/system scheduler
add interval=1m name=DynDns on-event=DynDns policy=ftp,reboot,read,write,policy,test,winbox,password,sniff,sensitive,api start-time=startup

Sunday, 26 April 2015

Installing Squid with AD authentication on Centos

Found THIS page in Brazilian Protugese which I am going to test and translate today.

Installing Webmin on Centos 7

Today I had to install webmin on a Centos 7 VM for a client. It was a fairly straigh forward process. I used the instructions from THIS page.

The process is as follows:

Install Webmin on CentOS 7

To get started, login your remote server and follow the steps below:
First, create a new file webmin.repo in /etc/yum.repos.d/ :
vi /etc/yum.repos.d/webmin.repo
and paste below line:
name=Webmin Distribution Neutral
Install webmin GPG key using below command.
rpm --import
Now, update the repositorys:
yum check-update
Install webmin:
yum install webmin -y
Start the service and make it start automatically
chkconfig webmin on
service webmin start
By default, Webmin will listen on port 10000. Enable webmin Port:
firewall-cmd --add-port=10000/tcp
Now, open in your browser and enter yor root username and password:
Webmin login screen
Webmin login screen
Webmin screen

Thursday, 16 April 2015

Resetting Administrator Password in Windows 2008

Today I had to change the admin passwords of 2 Windows 2008 R2 servers as some-one changed them from the default password!!!! Luckily I stumbled onto THIS site which shows an excelent method of resetting the password using the windows 2008 cd:

  • Boot from the Micrsoft Windows Server 2008 DVD
  • From the Install Windows menu, click “Next”.
  • Select “Repair your computer”
  • In the System Recovery Options, select the Operating System instance that you wish to repair and click “Next”.
  • Select “Command Prompt”. The
  • At the command prompt, run the following commands:
    cd windows\system32
    ren Utilman.exe Utilman.exe.old
    copy cmd.exe Utilman.exe
  • Reboot the server allowing Windows to load as normal
  • At the logon screen, press Windows Key + U.
  • As the command prompt, enter the following command:
    net user administrator Password12
    This will set the password for the Administrator user to be Password12 (case sensitive).
Closing the command prompt, you should now be able to log back onto the server using the password you have provided in the last step.

Cleanup Steps

Once you have verified you can log on to the server you will have repeat the steps above and boot using the Windows Server 2008 DVD/ISO and run the command prompt again.
  • Delete the newly created Utilman.exe from C:\Windows\System32
  • Rename Utilman.exe.old back to Utilman.exe
You should be back up and running as if nothing ever happened.

Some Screenshots

w2k8_password_reset_01 w2k8_password_reset_02 w2k8_password_reset_03 w2k8_password_reset_04 w2k8_password_reset_05 w2k8_password_reset_06 w2k8_password_reset_cmd_prompt

Wednesday, 15 April 2015

Creating FreePBX extension for Leucotron ChattyIP

Log into Freepbx and open Appliatons, Extensions:

Click Submit to Create a new Extension:

Under User Extension and Display Name type the new extension number (in this example 204).

Under Device Options, change dtmfmode from RFC 2833 to Auto.

Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on Submit to Add the new extension.

Click on Apply Config to save the config.

The extension is now ready to be configured on the ChattyIP telefone.

Tuesday, 14 April 2015

How to install Java on Ubuntu 14.04 with apt-get

Had to install Java on Ubuntu 14.04 today used THIS site do do it using apt-get:

The process is as follows:

Installing Oracle JDK (optional)

The Oracle JDK is the official JDK; however, it is no longer provided by Oracle as a default installation for Ubuntu.
You can still install it using apt-get. To install any version, first execute the following commands:
sudo apt-get install python-software-properties
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java
sudo apt-get update
Then, depending on the version you want to install, execute one of the following commands:

Oracle JDK 6

This is an old version but still in use.
sudo apt-get install oracle-java6-installer

Oracle JDK 7

This is the latest stable version.
sudo apt-get install oracle-java7-installer

Monday, 13 April 2015

Ubuntu 14.04 servers Hash Sum mismatch errors

Had a problem with a Ubuntu 14.04 servers that I installed today. While running apt-get update I Hash Sum mismatch errors.

I ran the following commands which fixed the issue:

sudo rm /var/lib/apt/lists/* -vf
sudo apt-get update

Installing Oracle 11g on Ubuntu 14.04

Had to install Oracle 11g on a new Ubuntu VM today. Used the instructions below from THIS site:

Installing Oracle 11g R2 Express Edition
For the installation of Oracle 11g R2 Express Edition (XE), a couple of additional Linux packages are required. These packages can be installed by executing the following statement.
$ sudo apt-get install alien libaio1 unixodbc
The next step is to download the Oracle 11g R2 Express Edition from the Oracle website. Make sure you select the Linux x64 version from After the download is completed, open the terminal and navigate to the download directory. In my case this can be done by executing the following statement.
The next step step is to unzip the downloaded file. To do this, execute the following command.
$ unzip
A new directory (Disk1) is added to the Download directory. Navigate to this directory:
$ cd Disk1
Now we have to convert the Red Hat package (rpm) to a Debian package. This may be done using the alien command. The -d parameter is used to inform alien that a Debian package should be generated. When the -scripts parameter is toggled, alien will try to convert the scripts that are meant to be run when the package is installed and removed.
$ sudo alien –scripts -d oracle-xe-11.2.0-1.0.x86_64.rpm
This step may take a while, while this statement is executing we can do the following steps. Open a new terminal window for these steps.
The Red Hat package, relies on the /sbin/chkconfig file, which is not used in Ubuntu. To successfully install Oracle XE we use a simple trick. Start by creating a custom /sbin/chkconfig file by executing the following statement.
$ sudo gedit /sbin/chkconfig
Copy and paste the following into the editor:
# Oracle 11gR2 XE installer chkconfig hack for Ubuntu
if [[ ! `tail -n1 $file | grep INIT` ]]; then
echo >> $file
echo ‘### BEGIN INIT INFO’ >> $file
echo ‘# Provides: OracleXE’ >> $file
echo ‘# Required-Start: $remote_fs $syslog’ >> $file
echo ‘# Required-Stop: $remote_fs $syslog’ >> $file
echo ‘# Default-Start: 2 3 4 5′ >> $file
echo ‘# Default-Stop: 0 1 6′ >> $file
echo ‘# Short-Description: Oracle 11g Express Edition’ >> $file
echo ‘### END INIT INFO’ >> $file
update-rc.d oracle-xe defaults 80 01
Save the file and close the editor. Now we have to provide the file with the appropriate execution privileges.
$ sudo chmod 755 /sbin/chkconfig
After this, we have to create the file /etc/sysctl.d/60-oracle.conf to set the additional kernel parameters. Open the file by executing the following statement.
$ sudo gedit /etc/sysctl.d/60-oracle.conf
Copy and paste the following into the file. Kernel.shmmax is the maximum possible value of physical RAM in bytes. 536870912 / 1024 /1024 = 512 MB
# Oracle 11g XE kernel parameters
net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range=9000 65000
kernel.sem=250 32000 100 128
Save the file. The changes in this file may be verified by executing:
$ sudo cat /etc/sysctl.d/60-oracle.conf
Load the kernel parameters:
$ sudo service procps start
The changes may be verified again by executing:
$ sudo sysctl -q fs.file-max
This method should return the following:
fs.file-max = 6815744
After this, execute the following statements to make some more required changes:
$ sudo ln -s /usr/bin/awk /bin/awk
$ mkdir /var/lock/subsys
$ touch /var/lock/subsys/listener
Close the second terminal window and return to the first terminal window. The rpm package should be converted and a new file called oracle-xe-11.2.0-2_amd64.deb have been generated. To run this file, execute the following command:
$ sudo dpkg –install oracle-xe_11.2.0-2_amd64.deb
Execute the following to avoid getting a ORA-00845: MEMORY_TARGET error. Note: replace “size=4096m” with the size of your (virtual) machine’s RAM in MBs.
$ sudo rm -rf /dev/shm
$ sudo mkdir /dev/shm
$ sudo mount -t tmpfs shmfs -o size=4096m /dev/shm
Create the file /etc/rc2.d/S01shm_load.
$ sudo gedit /etc/rc2.d/S01shm_load
Copy and paste the following in the file. Note: replace “size=4096m” with the size of your machine’s RAM in MBs.
case "$1" in
start) mkdir /var/lock/subsys 2>/dev/null
touch /var/lock/subsys/listener
rm /dev/shm 2>/dev/null
mkdir /dev/shm 2>/dev/null
mount -t tmpfs shmfs -o size=4096m /dev/shm ;;
*) echo error
exit 1 ;;
Save the file, close the editor and provide the appropriate execution privileges.
$ sudo chmod 755 /etc/rc2.d/S01shm_load
Configuring Oracle 11g R2 Express Edition
If you have successfully installed to Oracle 11g R2 Express Edition server, it’s time to configure the server. To start the configuration of the server, execute the following command and follow the “wizard” in the terminal. Default values are shown between brackets for each question.
$ sudo /etc/init.d/oracle-xe configure
Now it is time to set-up some environmental variables. Open the /etc/bash.bashrc file by executing the following statement:
$ sudo gedit /etc/bash.bashrc
Scroll to the bottom of the file and add the following lines.
export ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/xe
export NLS_LANG=`$ORACLE_HOME/bin/`
export ORACLE_BASE=/u01/app/oracle
Save the file and close the editor. To load the changes, execute the following statement:
$ source /etc/bash.bashrc
To validate the changes you can execute the following statement.
This statement should result in the following output.
After this step it is recommended to reboot the machine. After the reboot is completed, you should be able to start the Oracle server using the following command:
$ sudo service oracle-xe start
Configure your instalation such as a password, port, etc.
After that open your oracle through browser http://YOUR-IP-ADDRESS:PORT/apex/
That’s all! Thank you for reading my note. If you found any trouble please don’t hesitate to contact me or leave me a comment!

Thursday, 9 April 2015

SVN and SVN Manager on Ubuntu 14.04.02

Today I had to install a new SVN server with SVNManager. I used the following instructions taken from THIS site.

How to install svn for apache and svnmanager on Ubuntu

This tutorial will guide through installation of subversion on Ubuntu to work with apache, and then installing svnmanager. Svnmanager is a handy tool that lets you manage the users and repositories through the web interface. Before we begin, make sure you have a lamp server setup on Ubuntu.
First, lets install subversion and apache library:

sudo apt-get install subversion libapache2-svn
Lets create the directories in which svn repositories and configurations will reside and give apache access to them:

cd /srv
sudo mkdir svn
sudo mkdir svnconfig
cd svn
sudo mkdir repos
sudo chown -R www-data.www-data /srv/svnconfig /srv/svn
In the terminal run the following commands:
sudo a2enmod dav_svn
sudo a2enmod authz_svn
sudo service apache2 restart
sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
Next, we need to set up apache and allow access to subversion repository:

sudo gedit /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/dav_svn.conf
Uncomment the lines like below, file names will be created at a later stage by svnmanager:
<location /svn>
# Uncomment this to enable the repository
DAV svn

# Alternatively, use SVNParentPath if you have multiple repositories under
# under a single directory (/var/lib/svn/repo1, /var/lib/svn/repo2, ...).
# You need either SVNPath and SVNParentPath, but not both.
SVNParentPath /srv/svn/repos

# Basic Authentication is repository-wide. It is not secure unless
# you are using https. See the 'htpasswd' command to create and
# manage the password file - and the documentation for the
# 'auth_basic' and 'authn_file' modules, which you will need for this
# (enable them with 'a2enmod').
AuthType Basic
AuthName "Subversion Repository"
AuthUserFile /srv/svn/htpasswd

# The following three lines allow anonymous read, but make
# committers authenticate themselves. It requires the 'authz_user'
# module (enable it with 'a2enmod').
Require valid-user

# To enable authorization via mod_authz_svn
AuthzSVNAccessFile /srv/svn/accessfile

Lets restart Apache:

sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
Now lets create a new user in MySql for svnmanager. Get to mysql client using this command:

sudo mysql -u root -p
Type in your password and execute this mysql command:

GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, CREATE, DROP, ALTER on svnmanager.* to svnmanager identified by 'password';
Where password should be replaced by your password.
Next, if you followed my tutorial on installing lamp, you may need to add php-pear as it was not added previously. Got to the terminal and type:

sudo apt-get install php-pear
Next, lets install the pear VersionControl_SVN module, type:

sudo pear install -f -o VersionControl_SVN
Now we are ready to install SVNManager. Download the latest package, I’ll get mine from, at the time of writing the latest is 1.08. The file itself is at I am going to download the tar.gz one in my Apache web directory which is /var/www/ :

cd /var/www/
sudo wget
Now lets untar (Ubuntu tar tutorial) it:

sudo tar xzf svnmanager-1.10.tar.gz
I will rename the folder for convenience:

sudo mv svnmanager-1.10 svnmanager
Now the fun part, lets copy and open the configuration file:

cd svnmanager
sudo cp config.php.linux config.php
sudo gedit config.php
Here you can start changing the language and htpasswd locations if you need. Since I have default installation and everything seems correct, I move to the next lines for svn locations:

$svn_config_dir = "/srv/svnconfig";
$svn_repos_loc = "/srv/svn/repos";
$svn_passwd_file = "/srv/svn/htpasswd";
$svn_access_file = "/srv/svn/accessfile";
$svn_trash_loc = "/srv/svn/trash";
Now if you have smtp server, you need to specify it in order for email notifications to function, which is a pretty nice feature in svnmanger. To intall smtp server just for the sake of experiment, you can just type ‘sudo apt-get install postfix’ and leave it with no configuration option. You can reconfigure it later with ‘sudo dpkg-reconfigure postfix’.

$smtp_server = "yoursmatpserverurl";
Next, database configuration, replace ‘yourpassword’ with password you made for svnmanager user:

$dsn = "mysqli://svnmanager:yourpassword@localhost/svnmanager";
Now save the file and restart Apache:

sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
Go to http://localhost/svnmanager/ and you should see the message that the tables have been created. Reload the page and login with ‘admin’ ‘admin’, which we left untouched in the configuration file. Don’t worry, once you login and create admin user, config credentials will not work. Go to create your new user, set him as admin and type ‘admin’ in the lowest ‘password’ box, which is your current default password.
You are now set with SVNManager, which, I believe, significantly helps to manage multiple users and repositories.
Phew, took me forever to write this post as I was installing svn and svnmanager at the same time. Please let me know how it works for you. :)
Update: once you create a repository, try to access it in browser at http://localhost/svn/your_repository_name/ . If it shows 500 Internal Server Error, you may have to go back and edit /etc/apache2/mods-available/dav_svn.conf and change the line AuthUserFile to:
AuthUserFile /srv/svn/passwdfile
since the file htpasswd may not exist and cause this error to happen. Just checked my apache logs and this was the problem.
Another update: I did a postfix install on Ubuntu to send mail and updates to repositories to the needed users (handy feature). However, I had problems with svnmanager sending the mail. I checked my /var/log/mail.log and was getting:
Aug 26 13:02:00 my-ubuntu postfix/smtpd[13809]: connect from localhost[]
Aug 26 13:02:00 my-ubuntu postfix/smtpd[13809]: warning: Illegal address syntax from localhost[] in MAIL command:
Aug 26 13:02:00 my-ubuntu postfix/smtpd[13809]: lost connection after RSET from localhost[]
Aug 26 13:02:00 my-ubuntu postfix/smtpd[13809]: disconnect from localhost[]
The problem seemed to be that my hostname was an ip address, which needs to be in square brackets like svnmanager@[]. Then I edited the mail functionality:

/var/www/svnmanager/svnmanager/UserModule$ sudo gedit InvitePage.php

where you can edit $mail->From = “svnmanager@[$servername]“; by adding those square brackets. Also, you can edit the $message if needed.
Also, may need to edit InviteManagePage.php in the same folder to suit your needs.